Cactus Rustlers, TheFull-Lengths COMEDY. In this sequel to "Rhonda’s High-Class Roadkill Chili," Rhonda, Fonda, and Dronda are busy organizing an alien festival to attract more visitors to Hurleyburg. To make things more “festive,” Rhonda’s husband, Zeke, hauls out all of his holiday decorations, and his display attracts America’s foremost alien hunter, 51Hunter2, as well as Commando Joe and the Armadillo Company. Meanwhile, Cee Cee and Dee Dee pursue their dreams of becoming Wild West desperados by rustling cacti to sell to black market landscapers. But their plan hits the dirt when an alien crash-lands in the desert and falls in love with the same cactus they are trying to rustle. There are plenty of conspiracy theories, alien antics, and Hurleyburg hysterics in this cosmic comedy! Freeviews: To read play excerpts click here. Please remember it is necessary to purchase one script for each cast
member and one royalty for each performance.
Dwayne Yancey has published several plays and some of his works have been produced in New York by professional theatres. Yancey lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains with his wife and two children, all of whom are veterans of the community theatre stage. |