Sacred Dance of Yellow Thunder, TheOne-Acts 20 DRAMA. Inspired by a 1972 incident that occurred in Gordon, Nebraska. Disappointed that no one is showing up to the American Legion dance, Legion members amuse themselves by humiliating a Native-American man and then forcing him to dance to his death. As Raymond Yellow Thunder dances, voices of his elders echo through the hall, conjuring life as it once was and reminding him of the Sun Dance, where men sacrifice their bodies by dancing for days for the sick. This stunning, provocative play offers a tour de force performance for a Native-American actor. Freeviews: To read play excerpts click here. About the Story: To read more about the story click here. Please remember it is necessary to purchase one script for each cast
member and one royalty for each performance.
Joel Ensana has published several plays and more than 60 short stories. Mr. Ensana is a former playwright in residence at San Francisco State University and has won numerous awards for his writing. Originally from New Brunswick, NJ, he now resides in Santa Fe, NM. |